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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Catching Up, Part II

I know, the last blog was boring! But that's what catching up is, sometimes. Or is it Colby you are interested in? Okay...
Colby is growing quickly. He's nearing 15 months, now; and is a real character. He likes to be independent when he wants to be independent, and wants to be lovey-dovey when he wants to be lovey-dovey. Whatever the mood, its on his terms. And when he cops an attitude, its hard not to laugh; but Natalie and I do our best to not show how amused we are when he does.

While we try to avoid telling him 'No!' all the time, picking our battles and correcting when necessary, it still slips out now and again. We try to tell him, "don't touch the kitty, she'll scratch you," or "Hot! Don't touch! Hot!" But when we say, "no, no, no" he turns to us, hands on hips and wiggles his body from side-to-side saying, "no, no, no" right back at us. He mocks us. He's been doing it for a few months now and its hard not to roll on the floor in laughter, but we maintain our composure.

He started cruising the furniture just before Christmas, and was walking by the end of January. He's now running everywhere, too. I won't say he's the most graceful child, but he is learning to catch himself when he loses balance.

Now, he's climbing up onto, and into everything. Climbing into his toy box and throwing everything out is a favorite of his. I'm just not looking forward to when he can climb out of his crib on his own. Catching a few more winks or taking a quick shower while he entertains himself will be a thing of the past.


Kate said...

Hooray! Thanks for the update. Figured you were just busy with the Fabulous Colby, but enjoying the update.

mamashine said...

What a sweetie! He's so big already.

You'll be able to sleep late again when he's about three to three and a half and is willing to lie on the couch and watch an ENTIRE movie in the mornings. It's sheer bliss.