Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 14, 2007


All my life, I've had trouble sleeping. My brain just won't turn off, and I end up watching t.v. or surfing the net until 1 or 2 in the morning. This was never too much of a problem for me because I could usually sleep in; but being a stay at home Dad, that isn't really possible. So, I decided to do something about it. I went to the doctor this week and discussed a sleeping aid with him. He prescribed AmbienCR and gave me a sample.

I've heard of people sleep walking with Ambien, and I've been known to sleep walk a child, so I'm a little nervous to try it, but we'll see how it works. I'm also afraid I won't be able to wake up if Colby cries in the middle of the night. Natalie is in Spartanberg, SC this week, so its just the two of us.

Monday night I took a dose around 9pm, shortly after getting Colby down for the night. I will be working the next two nights and wanted to make sure I get a good nights sleep that night to make it through the week.

Tuesday morning (and I haven't told Natalie this yet, so...) I woke up at a little before 5am. Cool... almost 8 hours sleep! I was still a little sleepy and laid there a while. What seemed like a few minutes later, I looked again at the clock and it said 11am. 11:00 A.M.!!!! OMG!!! Colby!!! What did I do?!? I didn't even hear him cry! He must be starved! I felt awful!

Suddenly, the phone rang. I popped out of bed, turned and looked at the phone, then again at the clock.... it was 7:30am. I was dreaming... geez...


Kate said...

Oh my gosh, that story even freaked me out! Glad you got some sleep finally.

Anonymous said...

Jack...!!! you scared the crap out of me with that story!

Your mother in law!


mamashine said...

Oh, dreams like that are the WORST! I've had ones where I woke up thinking the kids had swallowed a whole bottle of medicine or that someone had broken into the house.