Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 22, 2007

Jibber Jabber

Colby's 'jibber jabber' is becoming more frequent these days. He look out the windows and talks to the people down below as they pass, and he turns to us and tells us about the people he sees. He also likes to tell us about his day when we've been away.

But it's the fact that we can sometimes understand what he is actually trying to say that amazes me. It's not so much the words but the inflections. When asking a question, you can tell its a question; and when he's frustrated, well... that's a no brainer.

His vocabulary is growing, too. 'Joose' was probably one of his first words. When he's thirsty, he goes into the kitchen, points to the cabinet where his sippy-cups are kept and says 'Joose.' He loves his apple juice.

He can also respond, 'yeah' and 'no' are of course the easy ones.

'Do you want to eat?'

'Yeah,' as he runs to his highchair when he's hungry.

'Where's your shoes?' and he'll start looking around for them, bringing us a mismatched pair one at a time.

And when he wants to go somewhere, he brings us his and/or our shoes. When we put his shoes on him, he runs to the front door and waits impatiently for us to go.

We were going to run errands the other day so I put his shoes on him. He then ran into his bedroom and came out wearing a hat! He doesn't really like wearing hats, but he knows that is a part of the going out routine. As soon as we get in the car, the hat comes off; and its a challenge to keep it on when we are out and about.

This morning, he is particularly vocal; running around and practicing all of the sounds he can possibly make.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


All my life, I've had trouble sleeping. My brain just won't turn off, and I end up watching t.v. or surfing the net until 1 or 2 in the morning. This was never too much of a problem for me because I could usually sleep in; but being a stay at home Dad, that isn't really possible. So, I decided to do something about it. I went to the doctor this week and discussed a sleeping aid with him. He prescribed AmbienCR and gave me a sample.

I've heard of people sleep walking with Ambien, and I've been known to sleep walk a child, so I'm a little nervous to try it, but we'll see how it works. I'm also afraid I won't be able to wake up if Colby cries in the middle of the night. Natalie is in Spartanberg, SC this week, so its just the two of us.

Monday night I took a dose around 9pm, shortly after getting Colby down for the night. I will be working the next two nights and wanted to make sure I get a good nights sleep that night to make it through the week.

Tuesday morning (and I haven't told Natalie this yet, so...) I woke up at a little before 5am. Cool... almost 8 hours sleep! I was still a little sleepy and laid there a while. What seemed like a few minutes later, I looked again at the clock and it said 11am. 11:00 A.M.!!!! OMG!!! Colby!!! What did I do?!? I didn't even hear him cry! He must be starved! I felt awful!

Suddenly, the phone rang. I popped out of bed, turned and looked at the phone, then again at the clock.... it was 7:30am. I was dreaming... geez...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Catching Up, Part II

I know, the last blog was boring! But that's what catching up is, sometimes. Or is it Colby you are interested in? Okay...
Colby is growing quickly. He's nearing 15 months, now; and is a real character. He likes to be independent when he wants to be independent, and wants to be lovey-dovey when he wants to be lovey-dovey. Whatever the mood, its on his terms. And when he cops an attitude, its hard not to laugh; but Natalie and I do our best to not show how amused we are when he does.

While we try to avoid telling him 'No!' all the time, picking our battles and correcting when necessary, it still slips out now and again. We try to tell him, "don't touch the kitty, she'll scratch you," or "Hot! Don't touch! Hot!" But when we say, "no, no, no" he turns to us, hands on hips and wiggles his body from side-to-side saying, "no, no, no" right back at us. He mocks us. He's been doing it for a few months now and its hard not to roll on the floor in laughter, but we maintain our composure.

He started cruising the furniture just before Christmas, and was walking by the end of January. He's now running everywhere, too. I won't say he's the most graceful child, but he is learning to catch himself when he loses balance.

Now, he's climbing up onto, and into everything. Climbing into his toy box and throwing everything out is a favorite of his. I'm just not looking forward to when he can climb out of his crib on his own. Catching a few more winks or taking a quick shower while he entertains himself will be a thing of the past.