Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Eventful Weekend

I’m an uncle again… and again.  My brother Ryan and his wife Cori gave life to twins!  A boy and a girl, Cade and Madison.  I got the call Friday around 3:00 after they babies were born via C-Section around noon.  We are told they are doing well except for some minor lung development for Cade.

Natalie and I are so excited for them.  This is their second and third, after their first boy Hunter—now 2 years, 2 months (I believe).  Cade and Madison are a bit premature—about 6 weeks or so, I think.  I’m not very good at keeping dates straight.

For a little background, I also have a niece and nephew by my sis, Christina (aka: Sissy), and her hubby Greg.  Their boy and girl are Sean and Samantha, about 5 years and 2 years respectively (again, not the best with dates).  Also, Natalie’s sister, Vickey, has a 3 year old daughter named Kristabelle.

Well, today we thought we were going to add to the mix; but it was a false alarm.  Natalie was awakened this morning, about 3am, with contractions.  She walked around to shake them off in case they were Braxton-Hicks, but they were persistent and irregular—about 30 minutes apart.  I had to work at 6am and Natalie made me go, begrudgingly.  I told her to call me with every contraction so I could keep tabs on her.

Wouldn’t you know it, the day this starts up is the one day in history we get snow!  That’s right, it snowed at our house; but not until I got to work.  Natalie called me a few times at work, having another contraction, and I started to worry about being on the opposite end of the Cuesta Grade—a 15 mile grade uphill from San Luis Obispo (where I work) to our house in Templeton.  Not sure what the elevation change is, but it was enough to snow.  I was afraid I would be stuck on one side and her on the other, so I called my boss and said I’m heading home.  Tami—my boss—was fine with it and she came in to cover my shift.  We’ve become very close with Tami, like a sister, and she is just as anxious to be involved in Colby’s birthday as we are.  She’ll be there when the time comes.

Turned out to be false labor, but we are poised and ready when the time comes.  Today was just a trial run.  We did go to the hospital because we weren’t sure if her water broke or not—sounds silly, I know; but sometimes it just leaks out instead of flushing out.  Anyway, it didn’t, she wasn’t, and he hasn’t, yet.  But we’re waiting……..

1 comment:

Grant-Will-Rant said...

Wow! What an eventful day you guys had! First you're almost a daddy and then snow!? On the cenral coast!? That's crazy...

Congrats to your bro and his wife on the two new additions. Dang, the Dorris' are having quite a baby boom!