Well, where have I been? Let’s see… School semester started 2 weeks ago. Taking Physics and Chemistry. New computers were being installed at work needing my assistance and extra shifts. Natalie started her new job and has been on the road—we had to drive to Bakersfield to get her company car. And what else…? Hmmmm….. Oh yeah! Painting!

We were already planning on painting Baby Colby’s room, which we are almost done with.

The walls are Skylark Blue with Frosted Lemon Yellow trim. The furniture is going to all be white.
Then decided since Natalie will be working from home, we should paint the office before we refurnish it for her.

Office walls are Harvest Brown with Off White trim. We bought two matching desks and filing cabinets and assembled them mirroring each other.

So, that is where I’ve been.
I've had friends IM me claiming to be my conscience and ordering me to post...
Guilt is obnoxious. :)
True...but it woooorrrrkkkks!!
By the way, Jack, the rooms look nice. But I do hope you plan to add more color for Baby Colby's room. He's gonna think he lives in an iceberg.
I do feel guilty when I don't post, but it only takes about 36 hours for that feeling to set in. You were gone for WEEKS, buddy! You should be ashamed!
But we're glad you're back.
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